
Wednesday, 17 August 2011

10 things... you didn't know about me

I was tagged by the lovely Multiple Mummy if you don't already then go connect up with her blog!

So this meme is a great way to get to know each other so here we go.. 10 things you may not know about me...

1, I have 12 GCSE's: 7 A's, 4 B's and a C... which surprised everyone on results day ;)

2, I started doing my A levels then had a rebellious streak and moved out of my mum and dads home, and in with my still current partner so I was 17 years old.

3, Me and my partner set up a computer repair shop in 2000 and ran from the store for 6 years then we closed the shop and ran the business from home

4, I had my first Son when I was 19 years old and was working in our shop the day I went into Labour and returned to work 2 days after.

5, I used to have an Iguana called Arnie who I loved so much.

6, I have NEVER not once, been drunk. The most alcohol I have ever consumed is one bottle of orange hooch I think it was when I was about 18... just don't like the taste coincidentally I have also never smoked anything, not even one puff on a cigarette.

7, I am extremely optimistic and somewhat naive (which is often my downside)

9, I can't drive

10, When I was a child I did Ballroom dancing with my sister, I got several medals upto gold cross in ballroom and gold bar in Latin American - However I probably couldn't dance to the hokey cokey now!

So now you know a little more about me I'm tagging these lovely Bloggers be sure to pop over and get to know them too.

Meeting myself Coming Back

diaries of a Denham Housewife

chatty Baby

1 comment:

  1. Lovely list - what a clever lady! Thanks for tagging me. I wrote a list a couple of weeks back:
