
Wednesday, 17 August 2011

A bit of fun...

I love brain training games, when we brought a DS a few years back the first thing I wanted to play was the brain training, its always good to keep your brain active, so when Innocent Juices emailed me telling me about their new games on their website I couldn't wait to give them ago, there are three games on the Innocent website, that will get them brain clogs working, my favourite one where you have to remember the sequence is actually harder than it looks, after you have played that one be sure to give the other two games ago, where you have to catch falling oranges or use a catapult to fill a bottle of oranges, also if you manage to get a high score their are some prizes up for grabs!

So if you've had a rather brain fizzing day with the children, now they are all in bed take 5 minutes time out and have fun whilst getting your brain clogs working with these games
check them out here: Innocent Games

1 comment:

  1. Hey there! I love the idea of toyology. I wish I could get into that here in the US. I'm a new follower from the Monday Mingle. Such a cute site! Would love a follow back!
