
Sunday, 21 August 2011

Fun for three! Club Penguin Air Hockey

We received the Club Penguin Air Hockey playset in our toyology box.

My three were really excited to get inside and give it a test.

Anyone who doesn't already know, Club Penguin is a children's online world where they can have their own penguin and interact with a virtual penguin world. So these cute little penguins may well be familiar to your children and it makes a great gift for anyone who is already a club penguin fan.

The box is a fair size and looks impressive with a clear section so you can see the 3 penguins you receive in the box there are several other penguins featured on the box, which you can purchase separately. Also it does talk about the online world on the box and includeds a special code which unlocks features on the online world.

Inside the box you get the air hockey play field, which needs some building (clipping the nets in place and fixing on the door) a stadium seating section, 2 player penguins with 2 extra stands, and a referee. You only get one playing Puck, so be careful you don't loose that!

This toy needs 2 x C batteries which are NOT included so be sure to get some of them in ready if your purchasing this as a present.

Once you have built up the stadium and inserted your batteries your ready to play, the air blows up to make the puck float fractionally just like real air hockey. There is a score board with turning scores to keep track of whos winning.

My three had great fun with this its simple to use and the rules are easy.. hit the puck to score a goal!

My three played happily together which is getting quite a rare thing, and played in a 'winner stays on' method with a first to score 5 being the winner which enabled them to finish a round fairly quickly and not get frustrated or bored in the process. they have also gone back to this several times and had a fair few games over the past few days.

There are a couple of downsides to this game, one it is fairly noisy, like a hair dryer, and the penguins tend to mark the playing pitch a bit. But neither of these things has stopped my three having fun with this toy.

The Club Penguin Air Hockey Set is Priced £39.99 and can be purchased from Toys R us now

Take a look at our video review here:

1 comment:

  1. My sisters kids would love this will have to have a proper nose at it xx
