
Friday, 16 September 2011

Club Penguin - hours of entertainment!

I must admit we are a very technology hungry family, we all spend probably a tad too much time on the computers, although the children do love spending time outdoors, they all thoroughly enjoy playing on the PCs and all three are very computer literate, from my eldest who is 9 to my youngest who is 4, they all are very good at controlling a mouse, or mouse pad, and can all fully function most aspects of computing, which I think is a vital skill in an ever increasingly technological world.

Obviously playing outside, and indoors with toys using your imagination and hands on skills in other ways are vital, but computers have a role too.
My youngest has learnt many letters and numbers from using a computer and has learnt many simple words such as 'start, play, help' etc by playing online games and activities. He also has great hand eye co ordination and can  use all the basic computer functions.

We all enjoy playing games online, and one such game the children all like is Club Penguin. This is a virtual world full of penguins,

Each player can create their own penguin, and customize them with different outfits and accessories as they earn  online currency from playing the games.

The penguins are free to create, however to unlock new features within the game you will need a membership which can be purchased online directly or in stores such as Toys R us as a membership card with a code to unlock the paid for sections of the game.

One of the features of Club penguin is the fact there is a safe chat feature, so you can meet up with other players, there are two chat options, one is a free chat method, where you are able to type your own messages into the chat boxes, the messages are screened so it is safe, there are also moderators online and options to disable the chat features completely. It is a very safe child friendly site and I have no worries with my children playing there.

There are plenty of features in the free sections but to expand your creativity and enjoyment of the site then you can upgrade to become a paying member.

Membership allows you to purchase additional items for your penguins igloo home, and also enables you to adopt your very own pet puffle, which you need to care for as you progress through the online adventure. Membership can be brought monthly for £3.95 or in a 6 month (£19.95) or 12 month (37.95) block.

The game is set out in an easy to use way, with all menus and options clearly shown.

The games are fun and simple enough for my youngest to enjoy, yet engaging enough for my eldest.

With the content constantly changing and updating with fun things for you to discover this game is sure to provide a good safe fun online computing experience for everyone.

Here's a quick video review, you may gather from this video my children love the pet puffles and alot of their activity is centered around looking after these, feeding these and buying the new activities for the Puffles! (You need a membership in order to adopt a Pet Puffle)

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