
Thursday, 1 September 2011

FAB results with FABeffex!

we were sent a FABeffex kit from Spinmaster to try out, with thanks to

Fab Effex is a new kind of creative play, it is a fabric that sticks to anything without a sticky mark, so you can use FABeffex anywhere on anything and then change your mind and reuse it!

The fabric pieces have a specially waxy sort of layer protected when you receive them by a peelable cover, once you have peeled the cover you can the stick the FABeffex anywhere you like, different kits give different options, the one we received was a Fashion kit, and contained 150 pieces of FABeffex fabric and 3 cardboard dolls to decorate, the pieces we received looked like off cuts, and were not in any specific shape, except for some hearts and triangles.

The dolls were of a good quality and stood up well. Chloe instantly got to grips with the kits and started to make her own outfits for the dolls.

The great thing about FABeffex is that it is not sticky to the touch but does hold really well, this non sticky touch means it does not leave a mark, and can be reused. The pieces we got in our kit were all small, except for two larger pieces which could be used to cut and design yourself. Chloe found cutting the fab effex slightly tricky to start with as the waxy glue layer tends to slip abit in the scissors, but she managed it fine overall.

This kit certainly entertained Chloe for a good while, and we then packed it away and she has returned to it a coupe of times, however some of the pieces are now not really use able again, but we got a lot of use out of them in the past weeks.  Had the individual pieces been larger I can imagine they would have lasted abit longer, as we do still have some of the larger pieces which are usable, the fact that the pieces of FABeffex in this fashion kit are so small meant they got easily scrunched up and misshaped. But when used on the dolls provied the effects were good.

The larger plain pieces of Fab effex are great for designing things for other uses, on the FABeffex website (which can be found here: it shows some pretty great things which can be achieved, and I can see the potential in this product, Chloe happily decorated her ruler with some left over pieces, and I may well add the more open ended kit to Chloes Christmas List.

If you have a daughter I am pretty sure she would love these kits, I think boys would like the other kits in the range too so its certainly one to keep an eye out for.

heres a video review so you can get more of a 'feel' for this formable fabric craft kit!

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