
Thursday, 1 September 2011

The Gallery - Animals

This weeks prompt for the Gallery, over at Sticky Fingers blog is Animals.

Well I could use one of thousand photos I have that fit this... so what to choose?

Tara asked us to think outside the box, so something other than our lovable pets, but I have just posted all my safari photos in my last post, so don't really want to post them again today.

So Jackson pips it here are some of my favourite photos of our wonderful boxer dog Jackson.

Here he is when we got him as a tiny little pup

and here are some more recent ones:

He is just the most amazing dog, he is loyal and so friendly, he adores the children and is never far from their sides, he is their best friend and they love each other so much.

Not to mention how cute he is, and the fact he just makes the best photograph subject!

Now for some other animal photos be sure to check out the Galley :)


  1. He looks like a very good-natured dog :)

  2. Awwwww I Love your Jackson....Sooooo like our Luna. I wish I had more photo's of our Boxer as a pup but when we got her digital photography was only just starting out and I wasn't as into photography back then. Lovely post, I adore your Boxer photos x

  3. ohhh I love those silhouettes against the sun set, makes it look like he owns the world!

  4. Oh my goodness!What amazing photos!He makes you want to have a boxer dog!He looks friendly and adorable :-)

  5. What a gorgeous dog and gorgeous pictures. Lovely x

  6. Lovely photos! I really miss having a pet dog - yours seems wonderful. Just adorable!

  7. I love these pics especially the 3rd last one of him asleep. My sister in law has a boxer and he is the nicest dog (apart from my Coco of course ;)).

  8. Jackson is gorgeous! I especially like the sunset shots.

  9. I just had to pop over from Mad Dog Woman of Shackleford to see your photos of Jackson - he is absolutely gorgeous. He does look a lot like our little big dog - I wonder if he was bred near Guildford?

    I have enjoyed rummaging in your blog, too. So many lovely photos....

    Lesley x.
