
Thursday, 8 September 2011

we've all got an annoying little monster

We all know that our little darlings love to annoy us in their innocent ways, their repetitive wants and cries of 'muuummmmmmmmm' is enough to drive you to distraction sometimes isn't it, well if you have an annoying little monster in your house then they would love these real little monsters, who are not 'as' annoying as they make out, really they are rather sweet!

When we received Alfred, who landed through our door, my youngest instantly took hold of him, and quite frankly hasn't let go of him much since!

Alfred is a cute, perfectly sized annoying little bundle of orangeness, he is part of the new range of toys from Mint who make seriously fun toys, and the annoying monsters are definitely that!

Alfred  repeats what you say, farts, burps laughs screams and snores! he and Mikey could be twins!

The little monster has 4 swirls which you can press to hear his annoying habits, if you press his toes he cracks into a infectious laugh, press his tummy and he will make a burping sound, or a farting one! is you poke his eye he will let out a scream in annoyance!

The other great thing he does is repeat your own voice, how this feature works is you press the swirl on his hand, he beeps informing you he is ready to listen, you get about 10 seconds.then beeps twice to inform you hes finished listening, then he repeats what you said, he will  repeat the phrase 3 times, unless you press one of his other swirls to stop him.

My three have all enjoyed recording phrases running through and placing the monster next to me, so he is the one asking for a drink, food or to go to the park!

Alfred is one of 5 annoying monsters, be sure to take a look at their website here: Annoying to meet the others, there is bound to be one to match your little monster perfectly! and whilst your there be sure to enter the fab Annoying monster competition where you can colour your own monster online and be in with a chance to win some amazing prize, the top prize will be to have your own monster made up along with £130 worth of annoying Monster Goodies!
2nd and 3rd prizes also receiving loads of annoying monster goodies too, it is definitely a competition not to be missed!

Here's our video review so you can see what these little monsters are all about, and if you would like to get your hands on one for your own little monsters, then they can be purchased from along with other good toy stockists including selected toymaster stores

Keep your eyes out for these monsters I'm sure they would make a great Christmas Present for any Little monster in your life!

These little monsters definitely provide lots of laughs!


  1. They sure are Nikki, be sure to check out their competition on the website :)
