
Thursday 27 October 2011

Birthdays old and new...

Yesterday it was my birthday, I had such a lovely day got spoilt by the children with their home made cards and chocolate they had wrapped up for me.
Then in the afternoon we went over to my Mum and Dads house where I was spoilt with presents from other family, yummy biscuit collections and my mum had made a beautiful Tortoise basket, home made cakes were a plenty too.

Then my other half took my Mum to a hospital appointment and when they returned they had a brand spanking new Camera for me!! I absolutely love it it was such a wonderful surprise, everyone who knows me will know I don't tend to do much for birthdays the home made cards, and small token presents normally home made from the children, a cup of tea in bed accompanied by a chorus of 'Happy Birthday To you', is about as far as it goes for celebrations, so yesterday was a real treat.

We then stayed at my Mum and Dads and were treated to a chip shop tea, the children had the mast ridiculously large meals and were well and truly stuffed after,

I took along the smart games and perplexus (if you've not heard of the perplexus range then be sure to keep your eyes open for my review soon!) and we had a  lot of laughs laughs playing them.

But you know what was a highlight of my day? a blast from the past! When I was younger I was a huge Sylvanian families fan, they were a major focus of every birthday and Christmas for as long as I can remember from my childhood, and they all still reside in my Mums loft!

Many many years they have been kept priestly in the loft, all neatly sorted and stored, but then my children grew and we decided to bring some down for them to play with.

Over the years they have been played with by  my children and other visitors to my Mums, (closely guarded by my Mum) but where as I kept them in perfection, I never undressed them, or mixed the sets up, my children and the others who have played with them over the years, like to re arrange them and undress them, my Mum has had several puppies over the years too, and these pups have chewed and nibbled more than their fair share of sylvanians legs, ears and heads off!!

My precious toys which will always hold such fond memories for me, are now all jumbled and mixed, chewed and battered.

So I spent a good while yesterday sorting them out, finding the members of families to reunite them together, putting the missing pieces of the building back together and teaching Chloe the art of care for these beautiful vintage Sylvanian Family toys.

My mum has recently got an new Puppy, a beautiful little beagle, but a trouble maker non the less, and I am scared my beautiful sylvanians will not last many more puppy nibbles, so we decided the time was right and a few of them could come home with me, and take pride of place in my daughters bedroom, only a few mind, the rest remain boxed up in the loft, but I have said to Chloe if she looks after these ones I will ask Granny if she can have the others.

So my Birthday was all round great, topped off to with a friend coming over on our return home with a lovely bath bomb set which I can't wait to enjoy! So my birthday has been filled with the family who I cherish most, and new presents which were more than I ever imagined, and old memories which I hold so close.

Thank you Darren, Mum and Dad for making it a wonderful day!
(and now I'm going to go and play with my shinny new camera! Which I will be sure to take with me tomorrow to Build a Bear as we've been invited along to their store tomorrow!!)


  1. Happy Birthday! That is so lovely that your daughter can play with your toys from your childhood. I bet she was thrilled! x

  2. Ooh I'd love to play with those Sylvanian famillies.

  3. Thank you She was thrilled to bring some home, and shes been good and has set them all up nicely, have visions of me spending alot of time making sure everythign is in place tho and her gettng rather mifted that i keep re arranging her toys!

  4. Glad you had such a wonderful birthday - a birthday to remember for sure :-) xxx

  5. Love Is .... Special Memories x

    Special Memories For Us As well x ... Memories Forever x
