
Sunday 16 October 2011

Country Kids

 I love being outside, and I love taking photos of the children when we're outside so when I saw that Coombe Mill were starting a new linky called 'Country Kids' it instantly appealed to me!

Being outdoors is fun, free and healthy!
I remember last year we biked to school and back everyday no matter what the weather, was about 20 min bike ride either way, and so many people asked why we biked rather than a 5 min car journey, and I used to say 'its good for us, good for the environment, and its good for my wallet!' who needs more reasons than that...

Anyway I regress, Being out in the Country is surely something everyone should do more, and something we should all celebrate and encourage, so go out take some wonderful photos and link up to Coombe Mills Country Kids, and you may even get a free Kids hat if you are the favourite entry of the month!

These Photos were all taken this Saturday, we're lucky enough to live a stones throw from the most beautiful countryside and you will often find us just walking through the woods and fields

and if we're lucky sometimes there are puddles!


There isn't much else which you can do no matter what the weather, that costs nothing at all but is so much fun!

So grab your camera, and your wellies and go find some puddles, take some photos and link up to Country Kids!

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Farm Holidays Cornwall


  1. Dose two-leggers look like dey is havin' lots of fun!
    My mom gets upset when I play in puddles! :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  2. Thanks for the comments Maggie, Jackson was happily jumping in the puddles too and had to have a B.A.T.H when we got home, he was not at all happy about that!

  3. Ah, lovely pics, makes me miss the british countryside so much, especially this time of year when the leaves are turning and the puddles start to come!

  4. Oh my goodness you are the coolest mum ever! I would be worried about her pretty clothes being ruined. Then again on a good day I'd be ever so tempted to join in!

  5. Just love these pictures, looks like the camera may have suffered a splash too! Such fun, definitely a cool Mum!

  6. The photo of the muddy puddle i saw as you silent sunday and I am still envious! Fab post, and what children should be doing lots!

  7. That last picture is fantastic. You are a brave and super Mummy! Mich x

  8. Hear hear. We ride to school and then me onto work everyday, come rain or wind. I love it, although my skin doesn't!!! The ride clears my head ready for the day ahead!!!
