
Wednesday 12 October 2011

The Gallery - Inspirational People

When I saw this weeks gallery prompt my initial thought was, oh dear I have no photos of inspirational people, I have not traveled the world to see amazing people doing amazing things.

But today I went to the hospital with my Mum, as shes going through a really tough time of ill health at the moment, and right there in front of me were two truly inspirational people.

My Mum and My Dad, who have not always had things easy, but have always done their very best, who have always been there not only for each other but for anyone else too.

The fact they stay together through the most difficult times, support each other and carry on is so inspirational, so this post is dedicated to them. Thank you Mum and Dad, for being YOU!


  1. Sarah that is truly beautiful xxx

  2. Awwww lovely post. Hope your Mum feels better soon x

  3. Aww that was lovely! I'm sure they'd appreciate knowing that you're inspired by them! :0)

  4. For the short time I have known them I have seen just how loving and caring they are.
    I spoke to Liz on the phone before the hospital visit and she read me the most moving poem ever heard. She had written it for the specialist and it asked him to tell her what was wrong. Towards the end of the poem she started crying and I just wanted to give her a big hug ............
    You have a wonderful mother.

  5. Your parents sound wonderful. I hope you mum gets better soon.

  6. Awww, how beautiful. I hope they get to read this, I'm sure it would make them really proud.
    And I hope that your mum is feeling better soon.

  7. Lovely post, from a generation when they hung in there, through thick and thin and all the better for it.

  8. That's just lovely - it's so nice to hear of couples who are still together after so long x

  9. That's a beautiful post. I think those closest to us are those that inspire us the most.

  10. I hope your mum comes through her illness. Not easy for anyone. xxx

  11. Lovely post, Sarah, and I hope your Mum will soon be healthy again. xx

  12. These days it's the exception rather than the rule that you have parents still together. It really makes a huge difference to your life though doesn't it?

  13. Aww this is lovely. I hope your mum will be well again soon x

  14. They really do look a team! I hope and pray my marriage stands the test of time like that! x

  15. So important to realise that the most inspirational people we know are the quiet ones close to home. My parents are also my role models - great post.
    Thanks for your comment on my silent sunday last week - embarrassed to say I'm only just working my way through everyone else's!

  16. Ah, lovely. I hope your parents read this
