
Saturday, 5 November 2011

Transformer - MechTech Bumblebee

We received several Transformers from the Dark Of The moon Mech Tech range as part of the Toys R us Toyologist program to review.

The series of toys are set to be very popular this year with a lot of children, but the price range of these toys is quite large, so what do you get for your money?

I am going to be doing a review of the 4 figures we received which range in price from £12.99 right up to the Ultimate Optimus Prime Priced at £79.99

The first in the series of reviews is the Bumblebee figure priced  priced at £12.99

The whole mechtech range state they are suitable for 5+ age range, this Bumblebee is a perfect addition to a transformer collection for the younger fans, my 4 year old absolutely loves this transformer, and can transform him to some extent by himself, my 9 year old can easily transform this figure.

The MechTech features are the weapons, which all are interconectable. This Bumblebee comes with a small weapon which has a pop out feature when you press on certain sections of it, however what the MechTech range does is allows you to build up a bigger weapon when you connect up weapons from different sets together. So if you are looking for a one off purchase this feature isn't going to be of much interest, but if you are collecting the whole range then the interchangeable weapons adds to the interactiveness of these toys.

The detail on this smaller Bumblebee is not as high as some of the other transformers in the higher price range, but certainly good enough to have a good likeness to the movie heros.

We have had this transformer for several months now and it has been played with a huge amount by both my 4 year old and my 9 year old, we have had no broken parts yet  so the durability seems good.

This certainly would be a great  toy for any transformer fan, compared to the higher priced range I would say these £12.99 priced figures are the best for the younger fans, as the transforming is much easier.

Here is my video Review:

Look out for our other Transformer MechTech Reviews.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your Transformer reviews they have really helped me decided which ones to purchase for my son.
