
Monday 19 December 2011

Arrrggghhh 6 days ?!

I can't quite believe that Christmas will be all over in a weeks time!

I had told myself many times that this year we would go for a small affair, Santa would not be bringing piles and piles of toys and gadgets and gizmo's to be left unloved under the bed! No, this year I wanted to make sure Santa brought just what the children REALLY want and I had told myself it would be fine if they only had one or two things each to open on Christmas morning... but now 6 days away and I'm finding the guilt is panging, more so because I am yet to find the present that they REALLY want! So I was hoping to use the last day of the children being at School today as a mad dash shopping spree but no, best laid plans and all that never go to plan do they!

Friday afternoon Mikey came home and woke up in the middle of the night and was sick... yuk! Then all weekend hes been on and off the toilet although he is much better today, I really don't want to risk him going to school and either passing his germs on to the next poor child who will then proceed to spend the run up to Christmas ill, or catch something else!!

We had the daunting letter stating a case of Meningitis had been confirmed for a child at his school last week, and so now I'm even more jumpy when they are off colour, Christmas is the one time of the year you want to be filled with fun and happiness and being ill is the last thing anyone wants, so I hope that everyone stays healthy this year and the Children at Mikeys school all get better soon!

But with this said having them home now until the big day throws up one question? When to do the last minute shopping?!

I do hope Santa is on form this year because we definitely need abit of magic to pull the finishing touches together!!


  1. Aww hope your wee guys feels better soon and Santa brings his magic. x

  2. Thank you :) He is much perkier today I have a sore throat tho hope that everyone else stays clear of the germs!!

  3. My youngest has been ill for over a week now - i hope your Mikey is feeling better now. I sm sure it wont spoil his christmas fun.
    Good luck with all the prep x
