
Sunday 11 December 2011

Country Kids

I've not joined in with a Country Kids post for a few weeks, which is the great meme by the wonderful Fiona over at Coombe Mill, helping to promote the benefit of being outdoors!

Simply because we've not really spent all that much time outside, we had a bad dose of the winter sickness bugg which seemed to go from one to the other to the other of us until we'd all had a couple of days feeling terrible. However we are on the mend now, the weather is bitterly cold, but the sun is trying to shine through giving that beautiful look to everything.

My eldest went for a skate at the local park yesterday after dropping littlest off at a friends party, I did my best to try and capture some photos to share, there not great because the sun as lovely as it makes everything look, seems to make it increasingly difficult to photograph!

The park was quiet no one else around, everyone must have been indoors keeping out of the cold

 My two however don't seem to feel the cold! I was stood shivering away and these two didn't want to return home!

 Cold winter months, but the local parks can still be enjoyed, and if you wrap up warm it can still be quite enjoyable, well at least for the children - us adults may need to wrap up even more well that's unless you are running around with them!

and to Jackson at least there is a huge benefit to having the park to ourselves, it means he can be let off his lead!

 He is great off his lead, but abit over friendly to everyone and I don't like to let him off if there are people in the park because he's a big dog and rather scary if you don't know him and his friendly temperament, so most people turn away when they see him bounding towards them. So Jackson loves an empty park, as if he is on a lead he pulls something awful that's why in the summer when the parks normally busy we walk more in the woods, which no matter if its warm and sunny or not seem to never have anyone else in them.

So have you braved the cold and been outside this weekend? Be sure to pop over to Coombe Mills Country Kids Blog post and share your outdoors adventures!

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

1 comment:

  1. Sarah it is lovely to see your children and Jack out enjoying the park. Thank you for linking up, my kids are like yours and need fresh air all year. Glad the poorly bug has passed for you all.
