
Tuesday 27 December 2011

Our Christmas

This year we made some changes to Christmas, and I am pleased to say we pulled it off well and everyone had a really wonderful time.

Since becoming Toys R us Toyologists and it being a mini Christmas each month I had concerns over how much the Children would expect on Christmas, was there anything that could top the toys they had already received through the year, prior to becoming toyologists birthdays and Christmas was the only time big toys would ever be brought, yes through the year they got treats and small toys but no where near to the extent of the selection of toys they have received through this year.

Making sure they don't come to expect extravagant things or become ungrateful was always a worry of mine, so I said a while back that Christmas was going to be reined in with less presents and more emphasis on family and spending time together, 

Up to The week before Christmas I had not really spent much time thinking about the presents what with everyone seeming to get ill wth the dreaded winter sickness bug,  then the Children broke up from school and it suddenly hit me that maybe having NO presents wasn't going to be a very fun Christmas! So I quickly managed to get to the shops and pick up the much needed items.

Christmas eve everyone went to bed leaving out a mince pie and drink for Santa along with their letters and pictures, and off to bed they all went, dreaming of what Santa might bring to them tomorrow.

They woke up early about 5am and we ventured down the stairs, greeted with the neatly piled presents wrapped in shinny paper, alot less than previous years with only 5 or 6 presents each.

But inside each was something that they had asked Santa for, and they were all made up with the selection he had brought them.

We had arranged with my Mum and Dad that we would all go to theirs for Christmas Dinner, which again is something we had not done in previous years, instead opting for a dinner at home just us, and revelling in the screwed up wrapping paper and piles of toys. But this year we set off about 10am to my mums house and there to welcome us was the great smell of turkey with all the trimmings.

Along with us sharing Christmas dinner at my mums was my sister and her husband and daughter, my Gran,  and my aunt and uncle so it was lovely having some family time with them all.

My mum had made up a fun box for the children filled with colouring books, party poppers, balloons and such like which kept them all happily entertained, and we took along Bop it which was a huge success with everyone as we battled to beat each others scores.

Boxing day we went to see my brother in law and his family, and we all had a lovely day, their 4 children and our three all played whilst us adults chattered, once again putting the emphasis of Christmas on spending time with family.

Although on and off one of the other of us has suffered with bouts of sickness we have managed to enjoy the festive period. We spent time at my Gran and Grandad with everyone playing chess and draughs, and we had a lovely visit from some old friends the past couple of days so it really has been a Christmas to remember.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas whatever you were doing and heres to 2012 being a good one for us all.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great Christmas was had by all! LOVE the little one sleeping on the rug with party popper string in her hair, gorgeous.

    Very best to you and yours for 2012, may all your dreams come true xx
