
Saturday 14 January 2012

its ohhh sooo Quiet...

It has been abit quiet over here, the past few weeks,

With taking a bit of a break over the Christmas period I haven't fully got back into the swing of blogging, I am trying to keep up with my 365 challenge, although getting slightly disheartened at the fact  that I don't have enough time or energy left each day to take a good photo, but I am still going with it and hoping as the spring comes so does more photo opportunities!

so this is just a quick post to shake off the settling dust over here and I will try to get my school routine sorted and blog more next week!


  1. With photos as gorgeous as yours I would be accepting of little and often- an amazing, well captured shot. x

  2. If this pic is just you 'shaking off the dust' i can't wait to see the rest. Always love looking at your pics x

  3. Good luck with the 365 project, it's quite a commitment isn't it, but I am sure your photographs are all great! Emma :)

  4. Hope the project goes well - we are trying it too. So far, so good.

  5. What a gorgeous photo! A perfect example of the skill that good photographers have of capturing a very special moment in time. Really looking forward to seeing more - especially if this is you just shaking off the cobwebs! :)

  6. Another fan of your photos here. Keep at it, I guess, and don't beat yourself up if you miss the odd day here and there with the project - it is quite an undertaking!
