
Sunday 1 January 2012

Project 365!

A simple sentiment, one photo, taken everyday for a year!

Many many times I have pondered about starting this challenge as I watch friends begin it, some finish and I feel their pride when they have a beautiful compilation of photos to show for their effort, others don't manage to complete the full set.

It may seem a simple thing, but its not that easy taking a photo that you will want to share, want to look back on at the end of the year, each and every day. It is in deed a challenge.

Every other year I duck out thinking I would not be able to stick to it, but this year I am going to commit myself and give it my best.

So here is to 2012 and the start of my 365 challenge!

(and yes I am aware that it is a leap year but I can't get my head around calling it a 366 challenge so I'll start officially tomorrow!)

If you'd like to see my photos pease feel free to check out my 365 project tab at the top of the blog :)


  1. I am planning to have a go at this too....but forgot today!! Went out as it was my dads birthday and forgot to take any pictures!! Great start.

    Good luck and happy new year x

  2. you can start officially tomorrow like me then and have a 365 challenge ;) x

  3. Good luck! I eye up this challenge every year but never think I'll find the commitment for it. One year I will do it though and I bet it improves photography skills.

  4. Sounds like a great challenge,Happy New Year :)

  5. Ooh modelling clay - love it! Good luck with 366 and happy new year x

  6. Good luck with this, I dont think I could ever do this. Maybe I will do my own 52 week challenge :-) Looking forward to seeing the photos! Happy New Year to you x

  7. I love the creativity of your first photo.I started project 366 new years day as well, im going to do a sunday blog scrapbook a nice way to round up a week in pictures.Your welcome if you want to join me and blog hop x

  8. Aha I've been wondering what this challenge was about. What a good one. You've made a fab start, good luck!
