
Wednesday 8 February 2012

do you write lists?

I going to admit something, I am probably one of the most badly organised people there is, I simply coast from day to day managing to find time to fit everything in then wondering exactly how that happened, only to realise I have probably forgot half of the things I needed to get done.

I keep meaning to write a 'to do list' I have read several articles about managing your time and all offer words of wisdom, writing lists being the key to having organisation. Which is obviously where I have always gone wrong, I'm not much of a list writer, I have never wrote shopping lists, or holiday must pack lists, or general to do lists.

I am not sure what my evasion to lists is for, or where it stems from, I guess its because in an already over stretch time hungry day I reason that writing a list simply prevents me getting the things on the list done, or maybe writing down everything I want to get done on paper would just scare me too much and make me more frustrated when I don't get the things done.

I used to be pretty well organised as a school pupil, and I have managed to stumble through the past years of parenthood without messing up on too many occasions. (although my children may never forgive me for turning up to at least 2 friends parties at the wrong time!) I hope that I at least manage to remember the important things, but I am aware that my time management and organisation is lacking somewhat so maybe I will go off and write some lists!


  1. I am a list writer. I feel quite satisfied when I tick things off. I never used to write lists, it has only been since I had my twins and I started mainly because I kept forgetting to do things... Good luck with your list writing :)

    I love your blog btw :)

    Susie x
    ('A Twin Adventure'

  2. I love lists. I have them for everything. I think as you as you can find a way that works for you, they can be great. And make sure you put the little things on as ticking those off first makes you feel like you've achieved something!

  3. OMG I am the list Queen. Every night I write an action list of about 12 things that need doing - including about 8 rolled over from the day before. sometimes I spend more time on the list than actually doing any of the jobs. But it keeps me on track and I always know what's not been done.

  4. I love a good list, but it has to be achievable or I tend not to look at it. Start by putting some things on you know you can easily cross off quite quickly, that'll boost you to do a few of the harder things! Might be cheating but works for me :)

  5. I love lists, even if I don't achieve what I have written on there I feel much better for getting out of my head and onto paper. There's nothing like being able to tick things off! I have tagged you on my blog, if you would like to play head over to x

  6. I started with lists once the boys came along.... i blamed baby brain for the lack of remembering anything... Now thankfully the only list i do now is when going to the supermarket. However i do have a rather poor looking calendar that has things written all over it... I think that is where my lists have gone....

  7. I used to write a lot of lists but I weaned myself off, lol. I still love writing lists though, I just dont write as many. Christmas is different...i have lists coming out of my ears1 x

  8. I'm a huge list writer! The other day I did wonder as my other half doesn't write lists but gets it right 90% of the time still. I think it just helps me feel more organised. Rx

  9. Ever since I had my first baby, my brain power has gone down hill and a list is a must! I now have sticky notes all over my desk, only to find that I've been missing some lol. Oh well, better than not writing a list at all!

  10. I go through phases - sometimes I am more organised than others. I do find I get more done when I write a list, but don't always want that hanging over me. Sometimes it helps to write it all down as takes up less brain room if that makes sense.
