
Wednesday 29 February 2012

The Gallery - Friends

This week the prompt for the Gallery is friends, which is a really lovely prompt and I'm looking forward to looking through the entries.

Friendships are so important, the friendships we make through our lives effect us in so many ways, if we have good friends at school we often find the years wonderful, if we struggle to make good friends the likelihood is we will not have such rosy memories of our school years, but its not just through our childhood when friendships are important, we need friends all through our lives, although as we grow our friendships often don't last, for all sorts of reasons we loose touch with the friends of our childhood, new friends may come and go. but often the friendships we will need most as we get older are the ones we have right at the very start - our brothers and sisters.

I am so very lucky to have three children, and I really hope that as they grow their friendships lasts.


Be sure to take a look at Taras blog to find all the other entries : Sticky Fingers


  1. Lovely - my gallery is my children as well x

  2. I absolutely love the bottom picture, it's so cute! x

  3. Lovely pictures. I also hope my three children remain friends as they grow.

  4. A gorgeous set of pictures. I can't wait to see my two's relationship develop :) x

  5. Love the pictures. The top one is really cute, bless them x

  6. How special are they?!?! Lovely photos! I had a really close relationship with my older sisters growing up...being the baby often came with great benefits as they looked out for me....and they still do!

  7. This pic reminds me of my brothers. We have a pic like this of when my little brother (now 27) was brought home from hospital and my other brother and I were cradling him! Lovely pic!!

  8. Oh, these pictures are gorgeous. Beautiful friendships.

  9. My big brother is one of my best friends too - some of my oldest friends (whom I have known for 25+ years) I do not see very often but when we do it is like we only met last week. Great pictures of your 3 - the one in the garden is great - two little guides!

  10. Awwww lovely post Sarah! I really love that 2nd sweet x

  11. Aww this is lovely. I hope my boys will be friends always x

  12. Lovely post and lovely pictures

  13. Lovely post and photos. You two older children are so protective of their younger sibling, my heart is melting! xx

  14. So cute to see them all together and obviously enjoying being together.

  15. What gorgeous photos! And a lovely post, life is so good when you are having fun with family. x
