
Thursday, 2 August 2012

Holiday Get away

We're nearly at the end of the second week of the summer holidays already, and I am trying to plan ahead and hoping for a chance to up and leave on some form of adventure, hoping to go cruising along the canals.

Going off sounds lovely,  pack a few essentials and off you go, that is normally the routine I take,up and leaving for a couple of days camping with little forward planning at all.

But this time we are hoping to be able to go for longer than a weekend, so I do need to plan abit.

The household pets are the first thing I need to arrange a sitter for, Jackson can  come along with us, but I don't think the boat is big enough to accommodate the budgie and guinea pig aswell.

Then there is the essential bits and pieces without which the trip is destined to be a disaster.

Oh top of this priority list is the first aid supplies, having an asthmatic son it is vital we have enough inhaler to last before we can return home for a refill, not to mention his Epi Pen, so before going away it's a must to get the repeat prescription from the doctors, then the plasters, paracetamol and sickness relievers are those things that you always wish you had if you don't pre think to take them along, so I am desperate to be above the game and be prepared for every occasion.

Other essentials are a wash bag, its always important to have baby wipes or a hand towel to hand when you have children, toothbrushes and soap seem to be something I normally forget and then have to dash out to find once camped up.

Also travelling with children,and the great British weather, I think its important to have a 'play bag' filled with some of their all time favourite time passes, going camping in a tent, or cruising on the canal the one thing I always notice is the limited space, so I have a one bag for all rule, I find this works well and although they don't have the normal chest full of toys to pick through I do find a select few entertain them for longer anyway.

Things we are including in our play bag to entertain everyone no matter where we are, include a pack of cards, pens and notebooks, a few power rangers figures, a small tub of lego, DS  and a couple of games and a favourite teddy, That seems to be enough to keep my three entertained when the weathers not nice enough for them to run around outside.

Of course its all fine getting the holiday bags packed and ready to go, and the essentials may well make for a smooth getaway, but there is nothing worse than returning home and finding the house a mess, a pile of unpaid bills on the door mat to greet you and no food in the house.

So before we leave I will be sure to hoover round, change the beds, empty bins and I may even get out the duster, then I will ensure there is some food for us to eat on our return the most important being tea bags, milk and biscuits!

 Cravendale milk lasts upto 21 days unopened making it an essential purchase before you go away allowing you to return home to a cuppa.

I am linking this post upto the Britmums come home to a cuppa linky for a chance to win a years supply of Cravendale milk, do pop over to the Britmums blog to see how other people are preparing for their holidays.


  1. This sounds a great memo,love all your pictures :)

  2. Wow, you are super organised. Great photos.

  3. Hope you had a really good adventure. Lovely pics (especially happy Jackson Boxer) x.
