
Monday 14 January 2013

A Muddy Afternoon - CountryKids

It's been too long since I last joined in with CountryKids, the linky run by CoombeMill to promote being outdoors and active.

I guess it is because its so horrible weather wise, and the winter sickness bugs cold and flues that seem to be a constant here, really don't make for the get up and go feeling. It's not that we haven't been outdoors at all, its just that by the time I have managed to get everyone togged up and the dog out the door, it normally results in complaints and moans from at least one of them that they are tired, cold, hungry or such like, couple that with the weather being so dull and horrible that even if I do try to take a photograph of the scowling faces, then it is blured!

However, this weekend when my daughter and her friend said they were bored and wanted to go jump in puddles, instead of passing them off (too cold, wet, muddy - not really kean on bathing the dog...)  I decided to go with it. I grabbed my camera, and off we went.

It was indeed cold, wet and muddy, but the girls were not deterred.

I can't say the winter scenes are my favourite, when there is a frost or a layer of snow things are better, but woodlands that are slushy and muddy really are just are a bit blurrgggh. I much prefer summer and autumn with warm sun  but there are snippets of beauty still around even amongst the dead undergrowth.

 And of course lots of muddy puddles!

two girls splashing in muddy puddle wellies

Which never fail to bring smiles.

girl and dog running through muddy water wet puddle splash
 Sometimes you really do just have to not worry about the after effects and just have fun.

girl splashing in puddle mud water dirt

kicking up mud, getting completely filthy and laughing about it

muddy wellies in mud puddle in dirt woods girls wellies splashing

Yes we got filthy, but clothes soon wash don't they.

Here's a video of the girls jumping in the puddles too... and emptying the wellies after!!

Why not grab your wellies and your camera, get outside, forget about the washing and the complaints, and you never know you might have fun, then come over and link up with Coombe Mill by clicking the badge below.

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


  1. Nothing better than muddy puddles. My wee man often has to have a full change of clothes these days when we get back from the park!

    1. I think you can tell how much fun you've had by how dirty you are!

  2. Muddy puddles are great fun :D Love the pics =) x

  3. Brilliant! We get the moaning too so I was determined to get out and about whatever this week. The photos of your dog with the girls getting filthy made me laugh :D

    1. I don't know whos worse the dogs or thegirls... you can guarentee I can't take either into the woods without them returning black

  4. Sarah your girls are just like my children, complain about going out, then love it when they do! The video is fab with all the muddy water in the boots. Just love it, great to have you back on Country Kids.

  5. Such lovely photos, and definitely looks like great fun!

    1. Thanks Nikkie, just a shame I am the one havign to wash the og after - he covers the bathroom in mud splats!

  6. Looks like they had great fun! Great to see girls enjoying the mud just as much as boys do.

    1. my daughter is always the first in a muddy puddle!

  7. looks like great fun! We love muddy puddles!

    1. :) Thanks Jen, you just have to let your hair down every now and again and go jump in the puddles don't you x

  8. Like you, I much prefer it when it is sunny but you have captured some awesome pictures there.

    Mich x

  9. What lovely photos- my little girl is going through the stage where she hates getting dirty! x

  10. Ah I absolutely love these photos - shots captured brilliantly! I drag mine out for a walk most days, especially as we have a dog. What a lovely day you picked for it, I think I spied some sunshine!

  11. Absolutely beautiful. I love how happy they are getting down and dirty. Great action shots

  12. When I was young, my gumboots were ever as dirty as those of the two girls. But in puddles I have never thought of jumping. It looks like I missed a lot.

    How often do you allow your daughter to make herself so dirty?

    1. hi Barbara, Thanks for stopping by here, it is alot of fun to jump in muddy puddles and my daughter particulary loves to every time we go out for a walk! You are never too old to jump in the mud either ;) if you look through this blog you will find a fair few muddy boot photos!

    2. Hmm, mud puddle jumping could also be an adult affair?!

      Are you still as dirty as your daughter sometimes?

  13. Where did the video go? I wanted to see it!
