
Saturday 19 January 2013

A snowy walk in the woods

It has not snowed much at all today, but the snow that arrived yesterday stayed in place so everywhere is still covered in the beautiful white blanket, and I could go out and take some more photos.

snow covered woods in the uk

Today we went into the woods, whilst everyone else headed for the hills to go sledging, and as a result we had the place to ourselves.

boxer dog running through snowy woods
Jackson and Chloe had a great time running through the trees, throwing snowballs, and looking at tracks in the snow.

pretty girl in snow pink hat beautiful snow uk

It really is beautiful when it snows, it eliminates all the mud too which is a bonus!

pink hat pretty girl in snow uk

The other day  after a VERY muddy walk in this woods, I was saying how winter isn't really my favourite season, but if it snowed all the time I think I would begin to like it!

boxer dog and young girl in the snowHere's a quick video of Chloe and Jackson throwing Snowballs at me, I do hope you've all enjoyed the snow, it is fast melting now, although there is more forecast for tomorrow!

I'm linking this post to CountryKids over at CoombeMill - why not join in too?

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


  1. Snow can certainly be fun! Lovely pics x

  2. Great pics, looks like you had fun

  3. Awww, I wish we had a dog for my boys to run around with, your daughter looks like she's having so much fun.

  4. That walk looks like so much fun.

  5. Jackson especially looks like he's having fantastic fun! :)

  6. Everyone headed for the hills here too, so that was a very good idea. Nothing like untouched snow. Beautiful photos.

  7. Lovely photos and video! Love how it looks like Chloe is snowball fighting with the camera! :0)

  8. wow looks like so much fun x

  9. How lovely to have the woods to yourselves - fantastic photos too x

  10. Lovely to have such a quiet open space to ramp in the snow in! Looks like everyone had a great time!

  11. Fab photos Sarah, Love the video, our Luna used to love playing in the snow with the kids x

  12. As always amazing photos Sarah, your daughter is so pretty and carefree. I so wish we had some snow to play in too. Thank you for sharing on #CountryKids

  13. Lovely out and about photos . Your dog playing in the snow is just so lovely to see and your daughter is so pretty . Great post x

  14. Hi Jackson, I hope you got Chloe back for that snowball in the face?!!

  15. I love your dog (I might have said that already on your Muddy Walk post) Chloe's hat is lovely :) (popping over from Country Kids)

  16. I love that she has her hat on at an angle - GG would totally do exactly that!

  17. The photo sitting on top of the snow is just glorious - they all are really but that one is especially lovely
