
Friday 4 January 2013

A talent...

Every child is so different, my three included, and each has their own strong points, Chloe by far is the most creative, the one always with  a piece of paper and pen in her hand, she has always been a doodler, a writer a creator. Never interested by much other than pens and pencils.

But just recently her talent seems to be spiralling constantly surprising me with the images she produces.

This morning she came over to me clutching her latest drawing.

I must say I think it is amazing!

wolves drawing by 9 year old child

If anyone has any ideas in ways to encourage her then please do let me know.


  1. A talent indeed. I have only ever used my art for my own enjoyment, but Chloe should think about art in her career choices. What does her school recommend?

    Happy New Year x.

    1. Thanks Lesley, she is really good the school often praise her but other than that they haven't said anythign specific.. maybe that will change when she starts senior school in a couple of years...

  2. Waw that's fantastic. Not being that arty I can't really help but maybe have a look and see if there's a Saturday class for kids nearby - I know that there is one in our local arts centre

    Happy New Year


    1. oh ys thats a good idea, I will have to look around :)

  3. I agree with BNM. She's very good.

  4. Chloe is not just a pretty face! I would die of pride if one of mine could draw like that.

    1. she is forever drawing I have a pile sat here next to me which I will photograph and put on my blog - a bearded dragon, a leopard, a unicorn all sorts of things!

  5. Chloe Has A Real Talent ... Child Artist Aged Only 9 .. Al I can Say Is keep Drawing Chloe ... We Will Make You A Star In Making Moments ... Calling It Child Artist ... We Can Then Display You Art Work There ... Anyone Else Have Any Ideas To Make Chloe A Star ??? ... Keep On Drawing Chloe ... Sarah Keep On Saving The Finished Work ... Love To You <3 xxx

    1. Thats a good idea to display her work on makingmoments mum I will set it up, she would like that :)

  6. That IS amazing. That's a real talent there :) x

  7. That's brilliant. I used to love drawing and at her age I think I was pretty good, but it was never really actively encouraged and I slowly lost it - can't draw for toffee now! I would do what you're doing, keep praising and encouraging her, and as already mentioned maybe see if there are any weekend classes nearby :) x

  8. That's amazing. Well done Chloe.

  9. How about illustrating (and writing) a story book with pictures? You could scan the images and get them made up into a bound book.

  10. wow that is an amazing drawing xx
