
Tuesday 26 March 2013

Skylander WINNERS Announced!

Thank you to everyone who entered my Skyland Competition

I gave each entry a number, there were 24 entries. I put the numbers into a hat and got my daughter to draw out three numbers.

Congratulations go to these three lucky entries!

I will be contacting the winners today, or if you see your name here please contact me via Email so I can collect your delivery Information 

20 - Victoria thurgood
5 -  Shahnaz MummyBeBeautiful
15 - Gordon MacPherson

Thanks again everyone I hope that you all enjoy playing with this very special limited edition Chop Chop!


  1. Gordon MacPherson26 March 2013 at 20:10

    Oh wow - my boys are so excited - thank you very much - considered not telling them and giving it as a birthday prezzy but couldn't resist and hopefully it will teach them more about sharing!! All the best and thanks again, Gordon. :-)

  2. We set aside a fixed amount for both of us how to get rid of fiberglass
    each month, once I run out it is tough. does get mileage for any additional mileage he does to and from clients, so that covers his additional fuel in a month.
