
Saturday 23 March 2013

Wierd Weather!

This week it has been cold... so very very cold... and yesterday the snow started to fall but it was slush mushy horrible snow, it continued to fall all night tho and this morning there was a thick layer.

I do like the snow, but its March... I want the sun to shine and spring to be in the air, there is nothing nicer than the warm Easter break, and I do hope the weather improves over the next week so that we can enjoy the Easter Holidays (my children don't break up until Thursday so we are yet to begin our Easter half term break)

The weird and wonderful snow fall this morning when I was hoping for spring sunshine, daffodils and little lambs frolicking in the meadows made me think what the weather has been like in previous years.

In March 2012 we had weather that was warm enough for swimsuits and water bombs in the garden.
The differences in weather march 2012 to 2013
Granted it perhaps was abit of a heatwave last March but looking back though my photos from the last week of March from each year, it seems March certainly doesn't normally bring snow, in fact the last week in March and the first few weeks of April are often the nicest months of the year!

The weather in March through the years

 In 2009 it was warm enough for the ice creams and T shirts with the doors open, in 2010 it was nice enough to pick flowers and play outdoors, and in 2011 it was sunny enough to enjoy trips out with our cousins at the local forestry centre.

I do hope this extended winter weather that we're experiences in 2013 means we are in for a lovely long hot June, July and August!


  1. We can keep our fingers crossed for a nice usual! :D

  2. I wish I could access my Apple MacBook so that I could do a similar post - despite computer being with PC World's KnowHow team for 12 days in January, it is still not working but I do remember in 2011 being in Jenny (Gingerbread Mum's) garden in March and it was sunny. We were sitting on the grass, while Edward learned to walk with his walker and Aaron sat watching.

    We've had snow all day today and unusually for London it is settling.

    I can't remember the last time it snowed in March.

    Great post.

    Liska xx

  3. We had a mini heatwave this time last year and this year we're having some kind of Ice age lol, it's weird! I can not wait for the warm weather, seriously can not wait! x

  4. I do hope we get rewarded with an actual summer this year too

  5. I was only reminiscing the other day about the lovely hot Easter we enjoyed with the kids in the paddling pool - we had a barbecue! So weird.

  6. Oh Sarah- you and me both!

  7. Sounds like typist isn't the only one keeping her fingers crossed that snow now may mean a lovely summer!
