
Saturday 6 April 2013

Country Kids - New Beginnings

It is April now, the weather should be improving yet it is still so bitterly cold.

It is depressing, I much prefer the slightly warmer weather, being able to be outside is what makes me the most happy.

But recently it seems like getting outside is such a chore, and that makes me sad.

Regular readers may have read my post the other week about how we had to sell our little canal  cruiser, and with it our dreams of carefree canalside holidays.

When we sold the boat we decided we would try to find something else to get us outside, something that would enable us, in some way, to at least try to capture the freedom the boat brought, all be it in a totally different way.

But with funds low, the options were reduced, what could possibly enable us all to get outdoors, have fun and adventures without costing us additional monthly payments or a huge lump sum.

I have always loved the idea of a campervan, touring the country and stopping off to appreciate the little bits of the nation that others perhaps overlook. But the problem is campervans are not cheap, and our budget just wouldn't cover one big enough for all of us.

So what else?

Darren has always loved the old Landrovers, and its been on his wishlist for a long time to have one.

This seemed to be a good time to give it ago, we found that we could pick up an old Landrover, that needs abit of TLC but is reliable enough to get us around for within our budget.

These big old beast of a car suits us down to the ground, three children with muddy wellies and two dogs, filthy and wet, can all pile into the back without a worry, we can also get camping equipment in with more room to spare than in our old and rather tiny rover metro. Now we can threw all our supplies in and drive off for the odd weekend away as and whenever we're able.

The other main factor to not keeping the boat was that the children were not kean on long weeks away,and keeping the boat for very rare day trips just wasn't cost effective, but day trips out locally are far more easy to perswade my eldest to come along.

Having the Landrover encourages us all to get out, together, instead of the boys always opting to stay home when I suggest  we go locally to walk the dogs.

Even just for trips to the local National Forest or lake, going just a few minutes further makes it that bit more of an adventure.

So I am hopeful that this summer will still be filled with outdoor activities, I just wish the sun would hurry up so we don't all freeze quite so much!

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

 I'm linking this post up to Coombe mills Country Kids... and hoping that I will start to link up much more regularly again!


  1. I am so glad you managed to get out, there is nothing like blowing the cobwebs away! xx

  2. That land rover looks huge!! Hope it brings you lots of adventures this summer!!

  3. I do love a happy ending and new beginnings. This post fills me with so much hope for you all for a summer packed with adventures. We loved our old land rover, but had to chop it when the triplets came along for a bus! I think it is the perfect answer for you all. Good to see mine were not the only children wading through the river this week too!

  4. Lovely selection of photo's. The land rover looks like great fun! I would love a motorhome too but same old with the finances side of things. We have just bought a tent though in the hope of reasonable weather this year! Fingers crossed x

  5. Lovely photos of your family enjoying the Spring in the outdoors. Great Landrover too, suits the countryside perfectly!

  6. Love the boys shelters! I know my boys think it's so great to make 'dens' in the woods!

  7. Having an 'outdoor' car is always a good idea if you've somewhere to keep it and let's face it, a land rover's always going to be cool for the older kids! Hope the weather warms up soon.

  8. Daddy P is a Landrover obsessive! Glad you and the boys got out to clear away the cobwebs #Country Kids

  9. I think you will have tons of fun in your Landrover. My best friend's hubby is a Landrover fanatic and they bought an old one and fixed it up. They really use it all the time and have great trips around the country in their trusty steed!
