
Thursday 6 June 2013

Sunshine and BBQ's!

Finally the weather has started to improve and the sun is shining, which is a good thing, as last weekend we had a trip to my Sisters to go camping in her garden to celebrate her 5th wedding anniversary.

We packed up the car with too many clothes for one night and set off, with fingers crossed the landrover would manage the journey, as it was the first time we'd been anywhere further than a few miles away!

It managed well and we arrived, and my children spent no time at all getting straight into the fun on the trampoline.

My sister had put on a lovely spread of snacks and had brought enough burgers and sausages to feed the whole village, not to mention the amount of beverages that people kept bringing to top up her supply.

The BBQ was lovely, spending some time with my sister and her family which we don't get to see that often, and having a nosey around her house and farm that her husband works on.

Of course the highlight for the children was the day after, when they got to ride the tractor,

and of course take a trip on the horse and cart.


  1. Just wanted to say, I really love all of your photos!! :) xx

  2. What a fab way to celebrate your sister's anniversary. Thankfully the weather was lovely - makes all the difference! :-)
