
Wednesday 29 January 2014

Wish I was there - Photo competition Entry

With January nearly over and the weather horrible, wet and cold I am longing for the start of Spring, and it seems like I am not the only one.

Al Fresco Holidays, who offer an amazing range of family focused holidays,  is also longing for the warmer weather too, and on their blog they are asking people to send in their favourite holiday photographs to be in with a chance to win a £300 holiday voucher or a lovely Nixon DSLR camera.

We didn't get a holiday last year, and so we didn't get to visit the seaside at all, something I missed, and I am certain I will make amends for this year.

In fact it has been a few years since we went to the sea, instead opting for a boat trip holiday around the UK's canals in 2012, which although stunningly beautiful,  just was not the same as a trip to the beach.

It is a beach holiday that I long for this year, the weather doesn't have to be hot, but to be beside the sea even during a summer storm is magical.

A simple family holiday together, escaping from all the stresses of everyday life, is what I am dreaming of.

With finances low, we have never had the opportunity to travel far, but it really doesn't matter where in the world you are when you are together.

Taking time away from all the electrical gadgets and distractions that come with living life, often spending far too much time wrapped up in the moment to appreciate the little things.The little things which are so very important.

A family holiday lets you take a breather, and relax and appreciate life for all its wonder.

Iam entering the Al Fresco -Wish I was there competition as I dream of holidays past - All the photos included in this blog post were taken at Shell Island - Wales in 2011,  A beautiful place by the sea, and that is where I wish that I could be.

The memories in these photos remind me to cherish family time instead of just letting the days slip by, and this summer thats exactly what I aim to do

If you have some summer holiday photos which hold memories making you wish you were back there then
enter them into the Al Fresco competition too -


  1. Beautiful photos. I do love a good beach trip.
    Good luck

  2. Looks like you've had some great holidays!

  3. gorgeous photos, especially like the building sandcastles by the sea one - amazing sky/light. Best of luck x
