
Wednesday 6 August 2014

Summer Activities

The summer holiday is well under way isn't it, and the weather has so far been mostly lovely despite the odd down pour we have managed to enjoy time in the garden in the paddling pool

And on the trampoline, we are also in the process of a garden make over building a summer house which will hopefully be completed before the autumn weather comes!

We have been trying to find things to do in and around our local area  busing ourselves with local days out, community projects and fetes

South Derbyshire Council have been putting on lots of fun activities across the parks to find your whats on in your local area visit the website here to find a full list of activities in parks across south derbyshire.

We also hope to have a day trip to the seaside, and to London this year, as our last trip to London wasn't very successful for sight seeing, we are kean to get to see all the sights Big Ben being high on my youngest lists.

What are your plans for the rest of the summer?

1 comment:

  1. We have been to Blackpool and are hoping to get another couple of day trips in - its the price of everything isn't it? Hoping the weather continues for a little longer as that makes things so much easier
