
Tuesday 2 June 2015

6 month update

Half a year already, it has flown past, really truly flown.

I wrote recently about no really having a routine, and how the evenings in particular and sleeping generally was the area which I was unsure about, well since writing that post things have changed.

Day times are still un routined with naps in my arms or the pushchair, but evenings are slowly getting more organised, Noah has been joining in with the evenings meals which means he is so messy he needs a bath, so that slows everyone else down and forces me to spend that time sorting Noah, after his bath he then has a feed and falls asleep in my arms but I put him down in his cot and he stays asleep, not all night, but until 1 or 2am- which means I am hands free more in the evenings now.

Talking of the evening meal - that's probably the biggest milestone we've reached this month, slowly introducing bits of food.

I wil do another post dedicated to weaning and how we are working our way through things, but we are following a very relaxed baby led weaning approach, some times we spoon feed, sometimes we let Noah eat finger foods, we have only really had odd bits of tasters at the moment and I don't think Noah is eating too much but he seems to be enjoying the experience!

Mobility wise things are much the same as his last update, he is happiest sitting up and gets frustrated that he can't move too far for himself.

He is full of giggles and is making more sounds now with more babas mamas and bubble blowing along with growling which I think is one of his favourites.

He is truly a happy little thing and seems to bring a smile to everyones face wooing anyone he sees, He is a true people magnet and where ever we go there is always someone cooing and gooing at him.

He is a delight and I am loving being his mummy and watching him grow :)

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