
Saturday 25 July 2015

School trips

The last week of term for my eldest two, who are both in seior school, is enrichment week.

Which means they get a choice of school trips.

When I was at school I never went on any residential, I didn't mind too much, not alot of my friends went either, but still when Jake started seniors last year and the chance to go to France was offered I really wanted to give him the opportunity to go, travel and see new things.

So he went to France last year as a year 7 He went along with his friends and came home having had the best time. It marked the end of the new year, the start of his journey into the teenage years and his growing independence.  (you can read the blog I wrote last year here : starting secondary school - one year on)

This year Chloe started seniors and so she too got the chance to go to France, and Jake as a year 8 went to London.

School trips are quite expesive, the France trip cost £360 and the London trip £165 add on the spending money and any additional clothes/shoes they want to take along and it's certainly not a cheap option.

We try to live frugally, we don't have a huge income, so I took up the offer to pay in installments and Jake used his own paper round money to take along as spending money.

But waying up the positives to going on a school trip and I think it is worth the expense.

Chloe France trip, the same as Jakes the year before consisted of crossing the channel on a ferry, visiting a snail farm and baking croissants in a local bakery.

Joining a French school and taking part in sports with the children and of course visiting local markets and attractions such as the beach!

Jakes London trip saw him visit Ripleys Believe it or Not, watching street performers in Covent Gardens and a trip to the theater to see Wicked.

Then a visit to Warner Brothers Studio and the Making of Harry Potter tour which he absolutely loved and hasn't stopped talking about since he returned.

As I watched for updates on the schools social media channels, and waited for a call or text to let me know how they were I wished I was there along side them experiencing these new things, but I also smiled knowing that they were having fun building their own memories and experiences which I hope they hold onto for along time.

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