When Chloe was younger she was never interested much in dolls, she never wanted to play with Barbie or any other fashion doll, I thought we would bypass the whole doll stage, but more recently she has become more and more interested in these fashion dolls she now really appreciates them for thier characters and fashion style, she enjoys collecting them and drawing outfits for them in her sketch books.
With so many different brands available, Monster High Dolls, Moxie Girls, Bratz and now a new range - Novi Stars there are plenty of more modern dolls to spark the imagination of young girls who perhaps never really got into Barbies and Sindy dolls.
The Novi Star range are based on an out of this world theme, with the story behind the dolls being that they are a set of alien girls who landed on Earth. Each doll has their own personality and distinct look.

The dolls are great quality, with bright colours and fashionable clothing. They can stand alone which is great for displaying on a shelf as the older tweens like to do. The arms and legs are not jointed at the elbow or knee but do have a ball joint at the shoulder and hip, which enables a fair amount of movement, the head rotates all the way round too so you can position the doll into some fun poses.
The website which goes along with Novi Star dolls is great too, with some interactive games and lots of information about the characters.
Chloe really likes Mae, with the little skull details in her eyes, her green hair and her daring outfit she really is very cool and fashionable. The quality of the doll means they should withstand younger childrens play as well as being the perfect display piece on the older childrens bedside cabinet.
Priced around £15 each these would make great Christmas gifts for all young girls this year.
Nice. I'm now wondering how long before some tween starts dressing as a Novi Star doll and making You Tube appearances - LOL